Sunday, January 25, 2015

When I Grow Up

"What do you want to be when you grow up?" 

As kids we are asked this question time after time after time! This was usually the time when we gave our BEST and most creative answers. We were told to follow our dreams and were encouraged to use our imaginations. Oh, and that line "You can be WHATEVER you want to be" was thrown around a lot as well.

At some point in our lives, all of that changes and it's time to get serious. Those dreams that were once considered cute and creative are pushed to the background. Our own dreams are replaced by the "American Dream", and we all know what that is. The good job, family and white picket fence. It's as if we get a checklist at the end of high school that has four career choices for the rest of your life: Doctor, Lawyer, Teacher, or some job in corporate. Now these choices are very rewarding and can provide great stability for people who are truly passionate about them. For the other group, don't you worry! There are unlimited possibilities out there for you.

When I Grow up is about changing the way young people view their career opportunities/choices. Here we encourage following your dreams and starting your own. This blog will show you that it is possible to turn your dreams/passions into reality and success.  Every month we will have business tips, how-to articles, and entrepreneur spotlights! If nothing else, we want to give you the boost to put action behind the ideas and dreams that you have and show young people turning their passions into thriving businesses.

Let's get back to the original American dream when people started their own and became successful entrepreneurs! For this next generation when we ask the question, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" They will be confident in being whatever and whoever they would like.